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Monday, March 1, 2010


DID my aunts know what a group of liars like them would accomplish by telling all these lies about my life and having my artwork costing 500mil GBP thrown away would they have done it -
if they know that I would and am going to come after all the liars linked to her - would they have lied and committed these crimes against me - lies - defamation - theft the burglarisation of the house at 471 L/BOTHA AVENUE - the abuses linked to the lies they told - letting JOHNNY OZBOLT ASSAULT ME continually and not talking about his childhood and lies and his drunken and disgusting behaviour - who would want to go away with these disgusting people to DBN or anywhere else they defy description - liars GREEDY THIEVES WHO STOLE 2million RANDS WORTH OF GLASS off the premises of 471 L/BOTHA AVENUE, HIGLANDS NORTH, THE FACT that my children lied as well does not excuse any of them from the crime they committed against me and the lies told and in fact once framed against the truth that I AM GOING TO TELL - THEY ARE going to find lots of their cute little friends who they lied to so tirelessly and ceaselessly in JAIL AND THEY deserve JAILTIME AFTER ALL they lied about me - my life and this is a crime within itself - never mind that the theft of what I owned was a lie - there were corrupt individuals linked to this that are standing in the shadows waiting for the sword of DAMOCLES TO fall on them - much like a chair and the group of people are all on it with a stack of dominoes underneath them waiting for the criminals linked to what they did to me to crawl out of the woodwork as well - so that they can all go to jail - why would this individual with a group of corrupt individuals plan to kill me - this is one of the things that still needs to be sorted out - but within the framework of the massive amt of corruption going on there - what would you do - would you keep silent when your children are stupid liars and irresponsible selfish freaks of nature that you have given everything to and never had anything in return from - would you let these awful people govern who you are what you think and your life - of course you would not - the same is said for the liar - my aunt - there were things happening on this street in HIGHLANDS NORTH THAT COULD have killed me along with my ex - my childrens lies and disgusting behaviour - JOHNNY OZBOLTS aptitude for drunkenness and lies the liars
linked to the NIGERIAN TRAFFICKERS AND CRIMINALS - they thought that maybe I would pay for their hopeless behaviours and some screwed up freak of a womens mistakes - they have another thing coming - these are hopeless people who deserve to have nothing because they have taken everything from me my whole life instead and never given anything in return to anyone - GREED IS WHAT MY FAMILY ARE and they deserve to die in that mess of screwed up greed that they lived their whole lives - THE TIME WHEN I SUCCEEDED AND THEY ALL failed they made me pay for succeeding with my artwork instead - by getting rid of what I own - and they then died in TURN the rotten sick corpses that signify my family of losers ==== all of them without exceptions - liars and losers - who stole from me in DECEMBER LAST YEAR AND told the lies that basically killed them all -

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