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Tuesday, November 2, 2010


THERE AGAIN SOMETIMES IT does not - but to be really interesting you need to use the life experiences that you have to smack a hole in someone else and then everyone will read about and want to know about you and what you do and say...this is the issue of writers being both infamous and famous at the same time...THIS HAS AND DID not have anything to do with bedding a police officer and we have all at sometimes done this I am sure - THAT IS HOW YOU FIND OUT if the man or women that wears the uniform is decent and wonderful and even a person - otherwise - you get secondhand news and this needs to be the norm - HOW SHOULD THE PUBLIC GET INTO BED WITH THE POLICE IN A MEANINGFUL INSTEAD OF A MENACING WAY...JUST A THOUGHT WHILE LOOKING AT THE police cars as they go past me out there........this is more about having a blue light and supporting police from the inside than - just simply from secondhand information in the press.....

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