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Saturday, May 22, 2010


READING SOME of the things in the press - GET RID OF LAZY POLICE STAFF - other things in the press 2010 readiness - HOW POLICE OFFICERS ARE NOT going to get enough OVERTIME for the event and they need to fight for this issue - THE VOLCANO AND THE READINESS BY FIFA - the amt of visitors to S.A. AND THE AMT of crimes linked to this - ITS MY HAPPY PROSSIE YOU HEAR - with her nose to the grindstone on local and overseas sights hoping to hop into bed with anyone and anything and screw up a storm as they bang their way through visitors to S.A. - THE ONES THAT ARE NOT sitting in PSYCH WARDS in 3rd rate facilities that is with those nasty street children and beggars and hawkers and the like - more about police raids - WATCHING A SAPS CHOPPER ONE OF ABOUT 13 IN THE LAST 3 days - at all times and everywhere - EVERYONE IS SCREAMING ABOUT 2010 readiness - and now they are flying about with people demonstrating this readiness - and they have been over my house about 100 times in the last month and I know they are ready for crime etc...as they look fantastic -------------
just a comment --

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