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Tuesday, May 25, 2010


DISCUSSING someone out there and the ADT ARMED RESPONSE INCIDENT as well - the robberies that are taking place - WATCHING AN IMMIGRANT ON THE phone while the police were there - and he was on the phone to someone - ZIMBABWEANS MAYBE - NIGERIANS -

ALWAYS lots of MOCAMBIQUANS AND ZIMBABWEANS all over the place and - this could always lead to this kind of thing as well...

GOING PAST THE POLICE this morning and it was early in the morning and a lot of them were out there - as well - talking to security providers and I know them all really most of the ones that are out there - as well.....

LOTS OF SECURITY guards all over the place during my walk - my friend is teary as she lost her boss - but she loves to live opp me as well.......

DISCUSSING MY robbery with the knife wielding loser SIPHO AND the criminals who are hawkers and pamphlet distributors in ILLOVO AS WELL as the others the homeless people linked to the park - opp where I stay.....CORLETT DRIVE AND RUDD road is full of people who do part time things and crime on the side.......

SO IS ORANGE GROVE......lots of crime and people linked to crime -

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