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Sunday, April 11, 2010


IS this the story of the liars linked to my aunts and uncle and the fool ex in my house that there is a whore that rocks the cradle who is a mad and mental liar and b----h that is trying to pull the strings and has managed to do so because of the corrupt liar that the ho sleeps with..

THIS WOULD certainly explain the liar of an ex and that liar JOHNNY OZBOLT THE thief who was instrumental in the loss of what I owned 500mil GBP OF MY artwork that was stolen from me in DECEMBER LAST YEAR - THE YEAR BEFORE - WAS THIS DONE by a dogsass that rocked the cradle and is such a stinking criminal ho that she has slept with and is involved with all the liars involved - NEVER DISPUTE THIS type of thing - as black widows like the liar of a criminal wife of JOHNNYS ARE EVERYWHERE - AND MY AUNTS AND THEIR FRIENDS ARE liars like the criminals linked to the WILSON FAMILY AND THAT ho - that sleeps about linked to them as well - so HOW DID THESE DUD CRIMINAL PEOPLE LINKED TO MY aunts and uncles and the corruption linked to CHEMIKLEEN AND LANDSEC GET THE CORRUPT CITY COUNCIL AND HEALTH DEPARTMENTS AND SECTOR E involved in the lies they told - it was easy - these are corrupt criminals like the photograper from the METRO COUNCIL WHO USED to drink at all the shebeens in HIGHLANDS NORTH WHEN HE WAS NOT hipped out on dagga - the owner liar of the HOUSE AT 471 L/BOTHA AVENUE THE CROOKED ESTATE AGENCIES THE LIARS IN MY AUNTS BUILDING - THE CROOKED CORRUPT DOG LINKED TO ONE OF THE SECURITY COMPANIES AND CRIME AND CORRUPTION AND THE LIES TOLD by the deceitful dogs linked to JOHNNY THE LIAR OZBOLT - did the SMIT FAMILY figure in this in any way at all..............................

police,liars,criminals and liars, links to MARK THE RUSSIAN, WHO IS THE DECEITFUL DOG AND LIAR LINKED TO JOHNNY OZBOLT AND HIS criminality that has been perpetrated against me that led to the loss of what I own ----

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