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Saturday, April 3, 2010


I COME FROM A FAMILY OF malicious and stupid retarded liars linked to committing crimes against me virtually me whole life - MY UPBRINGING APART FROM THE PEOPLE IN WESTPARK CEMETARY WAS ABOUT MY CHILDREN WHO I LOVED before my aunt the liar and criminal who stole what I OWN POISONED THEIR LIVES WITH THE TERRIBLE LIES THAT THEY TOLD ABOUT ME - and have been doing since I WAS born - it is getting to MY MOTHERS BIRTHDAY - 4th APRIL 1933 - 1995 ROSEMARY JOSEPHINE OZBOLT AND all I can say is this that had she been alive she would have murdered my whole family and this would not have been classed as a murder - BUT RATHER AN EXORCISM OF STUPIDITY - because they are the ultimate white trash - THE ONLY REALLY GOOD PEOPLE IN MY FAMILY WERE MY MOTHER - UNCLE GORDON HELLET - TETA MEDVED AS WELL AS MY GRANDMOTHER JOSIPA OZBOLT AND MY GRANDFATHER STIJPAN OZBOLT - THE OTHERS leave a lot to be desired - MY AUNTS FRIENDS ARE DESERVING OF THE NAMES OF NOTE - THE WILSONS ARE LIARS AND CRIMINALS LINKED TO DURBAN - THE OTHER PEOPLE IN THE WILSON FAMILY ALL LINKED TO CRIME AND CORRUPTION AND LIES TOLD TO THE FRIENDS IN DURBAN BY MICKEY GEORGI - ALL HER friends are liars - I LOVED MANFRED GEORGI AND THOUGHT HE WAS A DECENT MAN way to decent for a horrible women like my aunt the liar MICKEY GEORGI - AS for any of her friends liars and deadwood and you know what you do with that - YOU FELL THE FOREST AND BURN THE TREES DOWN FOR WARMTH - THE SAME is true of the liars linked to my other AUNT AND MY STUPID UNCLE THE LIAR AND CLOT - as for my children they are disrespectful liars clowns and idiots not worthy of note - MAYBE IN A BAR FULL OF DRUNKS WHEN YOU NEED A GOOD LAUGH ABOUT THE LIES THAT THEY TELL ---

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