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Tuesday, April 13, 2010


SHOULD white people worldwide and for that matter everyone who is non racist unite to stop the incidences of farm murders and the targeting and murder of white people wherever they may be - THIS SEEMS like a misnomer - but you never know might be what is needed - there are instances of murders that are as bad as farm killings of white people and these are not being discussed in the context of politically motivated killings simply of white people and they do happen - SO HOW DO YOU stop this and re-unite to stop the hate and the loathing that comes through sometimes and is accompanied by racial overtones and hatred - HATRED OF THE VOLK - is this hatred of white people - THE SONGS are they designed to stir up the feelings of hate and fear that we saw many years ago and do not want to re-ignite - SOUTH AFRICA IS burning on a number of fronts and this is what they are - the laws for animals are incorrect - there are laws on the books that descriminate against one group of people in favour of another - then THIS IS just another form of NATIONALISING THE HATE towards people who do not fit into what you want instead - SO I DO AGREE WITH THE STOPPING OF BOER GENOCIDE OR WHITE GENOCIDE OR WHATEVER GENOCIDE the hatred interace needs to be stopped and sorted out this is not about a group of hated people being killed ------

THERE ARE INNOCENT people from both sides of the social spectrum being targeted - IN THE SAME WAY I was by everyone on the street in HIGHLANDS NORTH - BALFOUR PARK.....THERE are major problems in SOUTH AFRICA - with a slant towards what is not right - and the slant of the right - and their sleight of hand is apparant everywhere - does this worry me - not at all - but there are lots of things that are about hatred and racial arrogance that cannot and has not been discussed - by people IN SOUTH AFRICA - there is a resurgence of sites about THE KILLINGS OF FARMERS AND this is precisely what they are people who grow food - WHY KILL PEOPLE WHO own land and live on land and grow food -

THIS DOES equate with the loss of land and farms in PLACES LIKE ZIM AND might need to be looked at by the white minority and taken more seriously - WHERE SHOULD whites be looking for places to live - if they need to move out of the country they are in LIKE THOSE FROM ZIM had to spread out all over the world - EVERYONE IS PRAYING FOR RESOLUTIONS - I am LOOKING AT THE THING holistically - who will and wants the whites - are there places that can be bought like islands that people could live on and be free of racial hatred and loathing and still live in the old ways - there are pockets of people who want a traditional life - and there are others that are just desperate to leave SOUTH AFRICA because of racial descrimination and persecution - what of those - WHERE SHOULD they be going - we know that all AFRIKAANS PEOPLE HAVE A european HOMELAND AND although far away they need just look at their names and geneology to find out where they have come from and where their roots are - IF THEY WANT TO GO BACK THAT is ----- THE THING IS not to go back - BUT TO GO FORWARD INSTEAD AND from then to where -- WHAT ARE THE WHITES OF SOUTH AFRICA to do - are they in the same predicament as the whites from ZIMBABWE - OR OTHER PARTS of AFRICA - no one wants mass panic to set in when there are other countries that would welcome any of them - they just need to look into this thing and think about what is really happening to them out there -------

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