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Saturday, April 17, 2010


I was talking about the women who asked me to cash the cheque from the crooked lawyers

THIS IS A major thing because they thought that they were actually going to get away with this frame up - but the lousy thing about this is that they were all linked to a massive cheque fraud and crime within their law practice and this has less to do with the LIARS LINKED TO THE LAZARUS FAMILY SHEREE AND HER FAMILY AND BRIAN AND the theft of his own trust moneys and more to do with the thing to do with the LIARS LINKED TO BRIAN MOSS AND HIS theft of monies directly from his clients within his law practice - you know I mean this is the issue - LIKE THE CRIMINAL ESTATE AGENTS FROM HENLEY AND THE MONEY LAUNDERERS LINKED TO THE MEYER FAMILY WHAT YOU try to fob off on others and comes your way you pay for directly - THIS WAS ALSO A DISCUSSION ABOUT MY SON AND WHAT A LIAR HE IS AND WHAT A PSYCHO AND how he hit me up and planned to kill me - and then lied up and down the street to all and sundry the crooked police officer linked to crime and corruption - MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF FALSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE THAT MAKES IT patently evident that these lawyers all of them need to be known about - THIS WAS ALSO A DISCUSSION ABOUT HOW PAUL SHAPIRO STOLE A MILLION RAND ON A HOUSE DEAL - THAT HE handled for DR SPRINGER = SPRENGER and the fact that these liars and losers they all lied and I am not prepared to put up with their lies or thier BULL - this goes on and it goes to the time of what happened to my daughter and when she went missing the amt of people involved with JP FROM 116 - 118 ATHOL STREET AND THE other missing girls linked to the criminals in the PAOLINI FAMILY THE LINKS TO THE RUSSIANS AND THE total lies told by my son and his stupid friends the liars and total stupid criminals - THERE WAS THE THING ABOUT THE JANISH FAMILY AND THEY WERE LINKED TO SCAMS ON L/BOTHA AND TO what happened to a friend of mine THERE WAS THE CRIMINALITY LINKED TO CRIME AND CORRUPTION LINKED TO THE LIAR AND DOGS ASS LINDA AND HER CRIMINAL FAMILY AS WELL --- ALL LIARS ALL linked to crime and corruption and what happened at the house at 471 L/BOTHA AVENUE - this goes right back to the time of my daughters disappearance - later on the incident with the baby and I am not going to shut up about anyones involvement in anything that was illegal and I HAVE THAT RIGHT TO SAY THIS - SO THERE YOU GO - I HAVE WARNED MY son repeatedly about lies and what he has done he is just a liar on the wrong path and might need to go and have himself checked - FALSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE IS A SERIOUS AFFAIR - DISCUSSING the issues surrounding the lies told about me - THE LIARS LINKED TO THE CRIMINALS IN THE ROTH FAMILY AS WELL -- the crimes committed by the bogus and stupid lawyers who steal their trust monies how this ties in with the other lies told about me....

WATCHING BIKERS heading up the road and thinking about these issues - right about now as well - WHY SHOULD I lie - I AM IN THE RIGHT HERE AND have nothing to hide ---

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